Tuesday, October 11, 2005

welsh assembly and the right to peaceful protest


Oh yes, the centre of town protest. In 2004 the local council sent two goons to cut the beautiful banners from these railings.

The council leader still has not answered as to why they lied about having ID, and apparently told him that they were wearing tabbards that marked them as council employees, bulldoody.

So the Police inforced the removal, apparently on the grounds that they were likely to cause a traffic accident. Well the Above were on dislay on the day of our 2005 general election, only this time rather than facing the road, I turned them in to face the pavement. In the background is the local newspaper office.

Once again the police made me remove them due to a complaint, yes the irony, a general election going on in the land, a land of so called democracy but you cannot put protest banners on some railings.

I'd love to find a barrister willing to take this lot on, not least of which is the councils, claim that they own the railings. These a public servants the council is there to serve the people if any one owns anything then these railings belong to the people.

Oh and guess what the excuse was from the TWO SMUG GOONS, laughing at the handy work, oh yeah 'WE ARE ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS'

We all know where we've heard that before guys. Democracy yeah yeah yeah. Oh and the local rag if your interested is called the Western Mail and South Wales Echo, I have my own suspicion as to who made the complaint to the police on that day.

for a full list of blogs go to welsh assembly the crazydave files

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